Kitten in the sunlight

Posted in Big Picture by Lovell D'souza.

Kitten in the sunlight

We took a walk along the Fort Kochi jetty early one morning. On the way, we met a lot of stray animals. This little kitten sat quietly in the sunlight, not bothered by the scores of feet that passed by it.

Kitten in the sunlight
Little kitten unaffected by our presence.
Kitten in the sunlight
Has a look at the stranger who stopped next to it.
Kitten in the sunlight
Does not bother, continues to enjoy the morning sun.
Kitten in the sunlight
Elder sibling cat (I assume), comes and joins the party.
Priya and the kitten
Little kitten gets love forced on it.

And that's the story of the little kitten we met one morning.

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